Shutdown7 - Data Privacy Policy

Shutdown7 - Data Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 2024

Thank you for selecting Shutdowns. This Data Privacy Policy aims to elucidate the manner in which we collect, utilize, and safeguard your personal information while utilizing our Android application. Our commitment is rooted in preserving your privacy and adhering to the Google Play User Data policy. Kindly peruse this policy meticulously to facilitate well-informed decisions concerning your data.

1. Information Acquisition:

a. Device Information: We collect fundamental device information, such as device type, operating system version, and unique device identifiers. This facilitates the enhancement of app functionality and the amelioration of user experience.

b. Usage Data: Shutdowns may gather anonymized data pertaining to app usage patterns, encompassing the frequency and duration of app sessions. This information is instrumental in analyzing user behavior and optimizing the app's performance.

2. Personal Data:

a. No Personal Information: Shutdowns refrains from collecting any personally identifiable information (PII), including names, email addresses, or contact details. Our commitment to privacy is underscored by the principle of data minimization.

3. Permissions:

a. Access to Device Storage: Shutdowns may seek access to your device storage to preserve user preferences and app settings locally. This data remains stored on your device and is not transmitted to our servers.

4. Security Measures:

a. Data Security: We implement industry-standard security measures to safeguard the information collected. This encompasses encryption and secure transmission protocols to fortify the security of your data.

5. No Third-Party Services:

a. Independence: Shutdowns abstains from employing external third-party services for data storage, analytics, or advertising. All data is processed and stored locally on your device.

6. Children's Privacy:

a. Age Restriction: Shutdowns caters to users of all ages. We conscientiously refrain from knowingly collecting or soliciting personal information from children under the age of 13. If you suspect that a child has furnished us with personal information, please contact us, and we will institute appropriate measures.

7. Policy Updates:

a. Notification of Changes: Any alterations to this Privacy Policy will be communicated through the app or on our official website. Regularly reviewing this policy will ensure that you remain apprised of the measures we undertake to safeguard your data.

8. Contact Us:

a. For inquiries, concerns, or requests regarding your privacy, please contact us at

By employing Shutdowns, you affirm your consent to the stipulations delineated in this Data Privacy Policy. We extend our gratitude for your trust and assure you of our unwavering commitment to preserving the security and privacy of your data.

Thank you for choosing Shutdown7!
